This website is dedicated to organisation of spending time individually
or together, work, projects, tasks, learning, holidays and fun.
This is also your personal space and database

WebSites, Articles, Links, Documents, Companies
You can save here various useful information.
You can save data as a public that is accessible to all
or private that accessible only to you.
More WebSites Articles Links Documents Notes Companies Dates
Events, Parties, Trips
You can organize here various events like
Parties, Journey, Holidays, Conferences, Lectures, Games etc.
For nay event you can add subevents.
All events are available in calendar.
More Open calendar All events Add event
Projects, Tasks, Work
You can organize here various personal or public projects
where you can organize work with your friends together.
You can also add tasks and report your work.
More Project list Add project
Processes, Tasks, Work
You can organize your work here in various processes.
You can work in the process alone or with friends.
You can also add tasks and report your work.
More Instance list Add instance
You can make personal or public decisions here
just like, for example, buying, business, vacation work.
More Decision list Add decision
Project Profiles
If you want to participate in events or projects
just fill your personal profile and enter interests and skills.
Use the profile search for your projects.
More My Profile Project Profiles
Knowledge, Education, Learning
More Words learning
Fun, Entertainment, Games
More Horoscope
Tests, Puzzles, Riddles
More Test
More Shop

You can also add friends and create groups.
You can invite friends and groups to your projects and events.
You can also invite friends by e-mail.

Try "ZyJanGi" today.
Registration will not take more than 3 minutes.
You can delete account
and all your data anytime.

Do you know that:
On "ZyJanGi" you can organize complex,
sophisticated, distributed event
ie, for example, everybody can book accommodation
at the same time, in the same place
but in different hotels and guesthouses
and everybody can meet each other
and participate in the same events?
The entire city can be our :)

Let's ZyJanGi, My Friends

number of visits: 47343972